




性能描述Performance Description

普通用途钢丝绳芯输送带骨架材料采用高强力钢丝绳,在冷压成型加芯胶和盖胶后,在经过硫化工序而成。Conventional     steel cord conveyor belt made of high strength steel wire rope, ensure the performing ability of the products.


集散场合、水泥、煤矿、采石场、发电厂、钢厂。Distribution occasion,cement, coal mine, quarry, power station, steel mill.

应用位置Application Ranges

主输送线、长距离输送、巷道输送、装船机、倾斜输送、其他苛刻要求的输送。The dominate conveyor line, long-distance transportation, tunnel transportation, loading machines, inclined conveyor, etc.

拉伸强度及带宽Tensile Strength and Belt Width

630~7500N/mm 宽度width:300~2400mm。

特点及优势Characteristics and Advantages

1、采用镀锌开放式钢丝绳:镀锌钢丝绳可与芯胶紧密粘合,形成抗锈蚀的保护层。 Galvanized open wire rope: with Zinc fully bonded to form a protective layer of rust.2、高强力:山东恒宇不断的研发更高强度的输送带,以满足长运距的输送系统。High tensile strength: Hengyu developed  high strength conveyor belt to meet the long distance conveying requirement. 3、减少张紧行程:山东恒宇钢丝绳芯输送带在额定张力下的伸长率最大为0.25%,在很多应用场合可降低张紧系统的费用。Shandong HengYu steel cord conveyor belt elongation rated tension up to 0.25%, greatly reduces tension system cost in many application.4、更长的接头寿命:按照DIN22131-3部分的试验方法,接头可达到同带体一样长的使用年限。Longer splicing life, according to DIN 22131 standard testing methods, splicing life can achieve to meet with the belt body.5、高耐冲击性能:我们的盖胶与芯胶更紧密的粘合,可提供良好的耐冲击及抗撕裂性能。High impact resistance: the cover rubber and core rubber tightly bonded can provide good resistance of impact and tear properties